WBCC cd release posterMARK YOUR CALENDARS! West Bloomfield Congregational Church will be celebrating the release of their house band’s 3rd album “Awakening” on Sunday June 8th from 10 a.m. ’til 2 pm. 

10am will begin with our Pentecost service
11am Chicken BBQ begins/ Bounce House for kids/ yard games, etc.
12pm dbdb (our popular house band) plans to perform the CD live in its entirety on the church’s front yard (so bring your own lawn chairs). 
dbdb T-shirts will be $15, CDs will be $10. Or you can buy a CD/T-shirt-combo for $20. 
dbdb believes all good music is spiritual, and take it upon themselves to crack open minds, expand outlooks, and rock whatever joint they ride into. Two CD releases include The Places I Have Been (2004, soldout) and Untraditional: What Would Jesus Dig? (2007) Their third album Awakening will be released Sunday June 8, 2014.
dbdb can be found rocking West Bloomfield UCC every third Sunday of the month, and playing occasional festivals and gatherings around New York state. They are guitar based, with a focus on tight harmonies and strong percussion. West Bloomfield Congregational Church is located at 9035 Rts 5 & 20.

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